So today is my Birthday and I am 24, yes I know I am getting old! Lol but yes I really feel like I am.
I am kinda not happy about getting older though, bc I thought I would be so much further along by now. There are so many things that I have yet to do! I need to get on it! Time is slipping away! I thought I would either be married or getting married, wanting to have kids in the near future, have a better job & be advancing in my career. My mom has given me a timeline to giver her grandchildren in well lets just say I only have 2 years left & im not even married yet, lol. But alas those things are not happening right now, but I look forward to the promise of tomorrow!
I am very thankful for all my wonderful family & friends, my job, & the ability to be going back to school!
I'm just excited I get to spend today with my little guy & after I get off work! And yes it stinks to have to work on your birthday :(