Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bloggers Block

Ok people so there are only 10 more days till Christmas!! Can you believe it? I can't because I have so much to do and I don't even know where to start!!! AHHHHHH someone help me!! 

So I haven't wrapped a single present, I have to wrap presents for my dad because apparently he is to lazy I wrap better than he does. Not to mention the fact that you can't get into my closet, because I have the largest closet and all the presents get into mine. 

My cousins are coming to my house sunday and will be here till after Christmas!
(So im super excited about them coming, but bc of the above I have to have everything done b4 then)
I making some homemade presents for my mom this year and so I have to fine time to make them while she is not around, which she is pretty much always around!

I still have to find my dad some more stuff for Christmas and he is sooooo hard to buy for! Ugh!!!

Anyways, I said all this to say that I had no idea what to write for my blog today. I have a severe case of bloggers block and couldn't think. I normally link up with Michelle and Lynsay, but I have already posted all my home decor pics and didn't want to bore you with them again. 

Oh I missed all you bloggy peeps yestereday bc I was out of town, I had to travel 4 hours to get my granny and bring her to my house, she isn't able to drive that far on her own anymore. 

Anyways, I am going to hop in the shower to hopefully get my day started and be productive!

Ps. hopefully tomorrow I will have something more interesting to write about :)

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